The People of The Hunting Ground
Mixed Peoples of Our First Nations

Guest Page

Osiyo! Welcome to our new Guest Page. Due to issues with the format of the old Guest Book, we have no choice but to take this approach. We enjoy hearing back from you, our guests. We hope this new method might be more user friendly. Please follow the instructions below. Wado! To leave a guest message or comment, please follow the instructions below:

To "sign" the Guest Page, go to the large BROWN Menu button on the left of the page. On BROWN button, double click on the words, "Contact Us". You will be able to email us your response. Please include your name, where you are from (city, state, country), and a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS. Once we receive your email, we can post it on the page. We hope this will be easier for you and we are looking forward to hearing from you. We value your input and appreciate you taking time to contact us. Please be advised that all messages to be posted must have the requested information to be considered and qualified for posting. Wado!

Willow Eagle
Richmond, VA, USA
Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 01:18:00 (EST)

"I just felt I had to comment on your website. It is well constructed and very informative and combines information on different Native American organizations, news, and issues. I want to say wado for all the work you are doing to keep us all more informed. I hope we can all continue to grow closer and stand united as Native Americans. To honor and respect the sometimes different ways we, as different nations, do things. To live together in peace as 1 red race we first must learn to understand and show each other respect. Wado again for the website and I will be visiting on a regular basis for the information you post. I know the Creator is smiling and is pleased with the work you do." 
2 Feather 
2 Feather (Jerry Thornton)
Taylorsville, KY. USA
Friday, January 16, 2009 at 18:09:12 (EST)

"I really appreciate having our web page linked with the People of the Hunting Ground. The web page is very informative and I especially liked the news from other organizations. Unity, peace and harmony are essential to all who follow this Red Road. Thank you again.

Jan Quigg"
Janet Quigg
Richmond, KY, USA
Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 15:09:31 (EST)

"This is wonderful, so glad to see ORNAIC pictures shown, and also to be able to learn about the other groups that are so close by. The more we learn about each other, the easier it is to work together to share to make the Native American culture known.  Thanks so much."
Nancy Smiling Face Whitley
Shepherdsville, KY, USA
Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 12:11:04 (EST)

"At this time it is of great need for us to come together as one PEOPLES. And your site reflects this. It gives all of us a chance to explore each other.
Wado, for all you have done.
Joyce Ann [White Wolf] Fisher"
Joyce Ann Fisher
Shepherdsville, KY, USA
Friday, January 23, 2009 at 19:23:24 (EST)

The web page is very well done,
and anyone can learn about our people on this site,
and keep the good work up."
 Chief of Bear Clan Piqua Shawnee
Jerry McClure
Lexington, KY, USA
Friday, January 23, 2009 at 19:57:19 (EST)

"Wado, brothers we all need to stay in contact in these times, may the Creator keep us in balance and harmony."
Bro. Nighthawk Troutman
Bloomfield, KY USA
Saturday, January 24, 2009 at 21:37:52 (EST)

"The web site is very nicely done! Very informative without being congested. It's great seeing so many familiar faces, too, in the picture section. Keep up the good work!

Mitakuye Oyasin,
Lynny Prince for Red Road Awareness"
Lynny Prince
Radcliff, KY USA
Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 06:55:43 (EST)

"Osiyo, Thank you for including us (The Native American Heritage Celebration at the Speed Art Museum) in your web site. I look forward to meeting you in person on March 21, 2009."
Meadowlark "Eagle Spirit" Marcum
Louisville, KY USA
Sunday, March 08, 2009 at 22:29:35 (EDT)

Thank you for joining us at the Speed Art Museum for our Native American Heritage Celebration.  I am honored that you came and had a good time. I look forward to seeing you next year.
Walk in Peace"
Wohali Adanedo
Meadowlark "Eagle Spirit" Marcum
Louisville, KY USA
Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 20:13:35 (EDT)

"Wow, I am impressed..........I learned something new today...........Thank you. This was wonderful.



Marion, KY USA

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 9:31 AM (CDT)

"This is great..................



Marion, KY USA

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 9:34 AM (CDT)

"Very good site"
MC Pulliam

Shelbyville, KY USA
American Church of Red Nations
Monday, June 1, 2009 at 11:13 AM (EDT)

"Osiyo my friends.
First time I have gone to your page, It is very well done lots and lots of info.

I will be back to look it all over when I have the time.
Bob Runningbear.
Running Bear Flutes
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 5:12 PM (EDT)

"This is my first time visiting this web site and I loved it. I enjoyed the information that was provided. May everyone learn to walk in balance with mother earth and each other."
Chadwanna Plummer
Monday, June 15, 2009 at 12:12 PM (EDT)

“I love your web site.  I am not of The People, not that I know of at least.  But I admire your values and strength and have forever been interested in Native American life, even as a small child.  I love to read stories, and see the beautiful pictures of your ancestry.   Keep up the fine work of keeping your heritage alive and keeping everyone informed. 
Blessings to everyone.”
Proctorville OH   USA
Monday, July 6, 2009 at 9:02 AM (EDT)

“Awesome website.”
 Mark Littlehawk Lambert
Monday, July 6, 2009 at 6:33 PM (EDT)

 What at enjoyable site you have!!! I will definitely be back for further consideration!”
My name to you is Talking Eyes! My valid email is
Is this how I get added to your mailing list?  I hope so!
I live in Louisville, KY."
Linda Emerson

Talking Eyes

Louisville, KY USA

Thursday, July 9, 2009 at 6:25 PM (EDT)

“I just wanted to say Thank You for the coverage of the "Voyage of Native American Awareness."  As I am out of touch with Frank and Penny Cook, at least you are letting me know what is going on with them and the voyage, and how things are going.  I know Frank didn't want to have to take a break, but his health is not what it used to be, as he has had a very rough year so far.
 It is an honorable thing these men are doing, and I wish there were more people involved in this.  My hopes are this could be a yearly thing, gaining more and more people that are willing to participate, instead of being a bystander, and wishing.  There are too many people today, that are not in touch or interested in their heritage, and up until a few years ago, I was one of those people.  Mom and Dad are very proud of their heritage, as am I, and they enjoy participating in the Native American celebrations that are held, and I hope they are able to continue that for years to come.
Again, Thank You,”
Darlene Jacobs
(Daughter of Frank & Penny Cook)
owling Green, Kentucky
Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 11:25 PM (CDT)


"I was pleased and honored to be asked to link with your excellent web site. Being from the Great Plains/ Colorado Mountains, I am not aware enough of the Eastern peoples and I enjoyed checking into several of the links you so thoughtfully provide. Very informative and interesting! I admire the job you are doing and I will be pleased to be included. My interest in mixed-blood women is of long-standing, and I appreciated the chance to celebrate the lives of a few of these accomplished women in my book, Walking in Two Worlds; Mixed-Blood Indian Women Seeking Their Path. I look forward to hearing more about what's going on in your neighborhood."


Nancy M. Peterson

Centennial, CO 80121USA

Saturday, August 7, 2009 at 12:56 PM (MDT)

"I found the link to your web page on a ghost story site and I’m glad I did!
This is a very informative web page!
Keep up the good work!!"
Olivia Ummerteskee

Muldrow, OK USA
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 4:27 PM (CDT)

"I am a Native American from the Ottawa tribe."

Henry L. Bailey

US Army

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 4:47 PM (EST)

"I am writing to again thank you and your staff for the hard work you have put into this website over the past year. Not only do you post much, much information for the Native American communities but you also attend most of them and take pictures for posting. The service you do for our communities is outstanding and we are honored that you post material for us. If one would take the time, there is so much that can be learned simply by using the links you provide to the many different Native American sites. All of you there are doing a terrific job and you have a great website. We thank you again and want you to know the work you do is very much appreciated."
2 Feather (Jerry Thornton)
Taylorsville, KY
Monday, February 22, 2010 at 2:30 PM (EST)

"It is good to see where my great-grandfathers went to school, William and Chief Ben Smallwood.
Thank you for sharing this page online."
Dvaria Robyn Smallwood
Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 9:13 PM (EDT)

"O si yo,
I came upon your web site online while researching on Facebook, i keep many of my native contacts there. I am Night Wolf and hold the position of Principle Chief of The Woodland Band of Cherokee Indians. I am a master herbalist and story teller. I sing traditional Cherokee and have family from the London Corbin area and can show ancient Villages of The Cherokee in south east Ky. I live in Knoxville and teach Cherokee History, crafts, CDIB research, and work to preserve the language. We are seeking other groups from which to get to know. We are not Federally Recognized however will persue it at a later date as we have many CDIB Cherokee and a History of published accounts and dealings predating the civil war. I like your site and would love to speak sometime. The Woodland band numbers 15268 at present and we intend to relight the sacred fire of legend. We are a free group and seek no fees of members only community and are willing to seek out new friends and allies. We see the Cherokee nation seeks to isolate you as well as they have many in the past i can explain why, and how it is damaging to our culture. Attached is a file for you to see of recent Cherokee National documents ones we feel are unjust as no other race demands a card to be whom you are, no card to be black or Latino. I stand to end this practice and will openly stand my ground for all of our rights both legal and moral. We will have a solution of those Cherokee whom were not on the rolls and those cast aside for foolish reasons. If a person has a drop of blood they belong! I am 65 percent but look more white than rest of my family but i am CDIB card carrier and not part of one of the 3 fed tribes and we do not seek to join them , in fact we think the people will come with us in our march to reclaim our pride.
Principle Chief Night Wolf.
The Woodland Band of Cherokee Indians.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 1:06 PM (EDT)

"Anii, Wahiya!
Thank you for the wonderful pictures and information you display on this website. My daughters and I have met you at several Pow Wows in Kentucky. A couple of which were because you told us about them. We are members of the Sault Ste Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Northern Michigan.
You have helped us feel at home in Kentucky.
John Ostroske
Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Wado !
I enjoyed the site!  Lots of great information from my home state, Kentucky!!  It made me homesick."
Cathy S
Cathy Serrano
Friday, January 18, 2013, 11:06 AM (EST)


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